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IRIA CME 20-November-2011


Tentative Scientific Program



Registration /breakfast

CT imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma           Dr. K.Soin, Ludhiana

 Imaging in subacute intestinal  obstruction        Dr. Prashant Peter-CMC, Ludhiana


Tea Break

 MRCP –A noninvasive tool for Pancreatico biliary assessment       Dr.Vijinder Arora,     Amritsar

Protocol for Imaging in a pancreatic lesion                                           Dr. Mandeep Kang, PGI-CHD

Role of imaging in mesenteric ischaemia                                            Dr. Manoj Mathur,     GMC-Patiala

MRI of Fistula in ano                                                                                Dr. Kulwinder Singh, SGRD-Amritsar      

 U/S in Acute abdomen                                                                           Dr. Suman Kochhar, GMC-CHD   



 Interesting film Session                                                                        Dr. N. Khandelwal    Consultant, Radiology


Symposium on PNDT                                                                          Dr. Bhardwaj       President IRIA 

                                                                                                                 Dr. J. P. Singh     Director Health Services, CHD

                                                                                                                 Dr. B. K. Gill,     HoD, Gynecology,

                                                                                                                D.M.C & H, Ludhiana.

                                                                                                               Dr. K. Saggar,    HoD, Radio-diagnosis

                                                                                                               D.M.C & H, Ludhiana.

                                                                                         Dr. K. Soin          Consultant, Radiologist,


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