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Clinical Psychology Department

.About The Department

The Department of Clinical Psychology is an independent department at Dayanand Medical College & Hospital, Ludhiana. The department works in the area of patient care, psychological testing, teaching & research, resource development and community service. Clinical psychology wing has been set up since 1985 in the Department of Psychiatry. The Department of Clinical Psychology at DMC&H was established in 2017 under the guidance of Dr. B.P.Mishra (Prof. & Head) which provides mental health treatment in children, adolescent and adult mental health issues. The department is recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).

Programs at the Department:

The Department of Clinical Psychology, DMCH also offers (02 years) M.Phil in Clinical Psychology program. The department has well trained, qualified faculty members and well- equipped psychological assessment infrastructure to facilitate better mental health services and training mental health professionals. The department with recognition of RCI ‘Rehabilitation Council of India’ is the only institution in Punjab to run M.Phil in Clinical psychology course ( with intake of 5 students per batch ) and has a well established research and development centre.

Services at the department of clinical psychology

The department being part of a multi- speciality centre offers psychological services to the various departments of the institute and also caters to the external referrals.

Out Patient services:

  •        Detailed psychological assessments of the patients
  •        Wide range of psychometric assessments
  •         I.Q. testing & SLD referrals from schools and civil hospital
  •         Identification and suitable intervention for developmental disorders, emotional & behavioral disorders of children
  •         Individual & group psychotherapies
  •        Cognitive behavioral therapy
  •         Mindful interventions
  •         Evidence based psychotherapies
  •         Behavior therapy
  •         Biofeedback training
  •         Marital therapy
  •         Projective tests
  •         Disability assessment

In Patient services:

  • The department ensures its significant role in providing comprehensive treatment to psychiatric patients and in patients of other departments on referrals
  • Detailed case work up from psychological viewpoint
  • Psychodiagnosting testing
  • Psychoeducation to patients and care givers
  • Counseling and guidance
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Brief psychotherapies
  • Suicidal risk ensure safety
  • Crisis interventions

Departmental Activities:

The department conducts weekly academic exercises for the students of Clinical Psychology. These academic programs include departmental seminars, psychotherapy meetings and regular classes for M. Phil students as well as for students of other disciplines such as Psychiatry and Nursing. These classes are based on the course curriculum and include teaching with the use of audio-visual materials. The trainees are required to present and participate in departmental case conferences, seminars and journal clubs regularly.


Research at the department :

  • Comparison of effectiveness of Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation (JPMR) and emotional freedom technique (EFT) in pain and symptom distress management among oncology patients.
  • To study the parental relationship, attribution bias, motivational needs and types of conflicts in young adults with and without substance use disorder.
  •  A study on the relationship of emotional regulation strategies on alexithymia and craving in alcohol dependence.
  • To evaluate and find relationship among executive functioning, coping strategies and clinical correlates in patients with migraine.
  • Comparative study on the communication styles and silencing of self in individuals with and without depression.


  •  Effect of acceptance and commitment therapy on hopelessness, resilience and coping strategies in patients with substance use disorder.
  • Study of social cognition, social skills and functional outcomes in patients with bipolar Disorder.
  •  To study defense styles and their association with quality of life, resilience and depression in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  •   Relationship between illness perception, alexithymia, coping styles and psychological distress in asthma patients.
  •   To study metacognition and defense styles and moral decision making in individual with and without opioid use disorder.

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